Why is the sky blue

Why is the sky blue

Post By Admin

Scientific Reason

Everyone might be wondering about the color of the sky. Well, it is visible to us as Blue. But all of us are curious to know the reason for the same.This is a big question for everyone but science has given different concepts for the reason of Sky being Blue.

The actual reason behind the scene is , when sunlight reaches earth’s atmosphere it is scattered in all directions by gases and dust particles which are present in atmosphere

  • Since the Blue color is more scattered therefore the sky appears to be Blue.
  • Also, the wavelength of blue light is shorter than the other light.
  • The Blue light is scattered in all directions by tiny molecules of air in Earth’s atmosphere.

These are the basic reasons for the sky appearing to be Blue.

We can imagine seeing the color of the sky yellow..?or green,or purple such as rainbow. But we observe that...

The white light coming from the Sun is made up of all the colors of the rainbow. We see all those colors when we look at rainbows. Raindrops act as tiny prisms when lit by the Sun, bending light and separating it into its different colors

Reason Closely related to Sun

Closer to the horizon, the sky fades to a lighter blue or white. The sunlight reaching to us from the horizon is passing more air than the sunlight reaching us from overhead. The molecules of gas have re-scattered the blue light in so many directions so many times that less blue light reaches us.

Sky is blue Natural Phenomenon....

The phonemona of this is still a question mark for many of the people..
Which is been solved by many concepts of science and many of the researches are still in progress....
The mystery of nature is probably been solved and the effect of it can be seen...and is proven in many books.

The matter of fact is the glory of nature that the color of sky is blue which is imaginary. The nature has blessed our mother earth by the glory of the beautiful blue sky...which gives it the gift of Rainbow which adds beauty to the sky..

Mother earth gives us the magic of sky above the head with bright sun twinkling stars and the beautiful Rainbow which adds the pearl to the necklace. This the beauty of sky which make its colour attractive and beautiful


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