
Banner on


Billing Cycle 1 Month 150 Rs/Day

Billing Cycle 3 Month 130 Rs/Day

Billing Cycle 6 Month 110 Rs/Day

Billing Cycle 12 Month 100 Rs/Day

Advertisment Size : 728 X 90

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Billing Cycle 1 Month 100 Rs/Day

Billing Cycle 3 Month 80 Rs/Day

Billing Cycle 6 Month 60 Rs/Day

Billing Cycle 12 Month 50 Rs/Day

Advertisment Size : 300 x 250


(Terms and condition Apply)

Billing Cycle 1 Year 3000 Rs/Year

Billing Cycle 5 Year 2700 Rs/Year

Billing Cycle 7 Year 2600 Rs/Year

Billing Cycle 10 Year 2500 Rs/Year

Number of Pages 5 Page

Advertisment of

Real Estate

Billing Cycle 1 Month 300 Rs/Property

Billing Cycle 3 Month 800 Rs/Property

Billing Cycle 6 Month 1600 Rs/Property

Billing Cycle 12 Month 3300 Rs/Property

Advertisment of


Billing Cycle 1 Month 3 Rs/Day

Billing Cycle 3 Month 2 Rs/Day

Billing Cycle 6 Month 1.5 Rs/Day

Billing Cycle 12 Month 1 Rs/Day