Apex School!

Apex School!

About Organization : Teaching is one of the noblest professions. It is a career that not only helps a child gain knowledge about various subjects and domains but also helps a child recognize his strengths and weakness helping him/her to become a better human being. The vision of Apex school is to provide an excellent opportunity to the students and parents looking for holistic development. We build not just the buildings and classrooms but we have created the ecosystem and environment for learning and education. The school is dedicated to preparing conscientious and responsible citizens with a sense of integrity and honesty.

Category : School

Address : Babhanauli, Garwar, Ballia-277121 (U.P.), India Ballia Ballia ( Uttar Pradesh ) 277121

Mobile Number : 9648590396

Other Number :

Email ID : [email protected]

Web-site : https://apexschoolballia.com/about-us/

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