About Organization : Schooling assist in developing individuality of a younger who is a building block of hte social order. it is a process to train a mind and moral fibre of a child by giving him format teaching. Afirst rate school is a productive dwelling, Which Offers an environment for innate grooming and healthy interaction with children. Schooling is when vicinity has enhanced because of hte opportunities of serveral good school in the cities but only littel efforts have been made in rural sector. Simultaneously students are promoted to participate in competitions outside the school also for which every member of the school gives proper affection with constant vigilance over every child and behaves like a foster parent.
Category : School
Address : Trident International School, Tala Nagari, Rhamghat Road Aligarh Aligarh Aligarh ( Uttar Pradesh ) 0
Mobile Number : 3564257355
Other Number :
Email ID : [email protected]
Web-site : http://tridentschoolaligarh.com/Trident-International-School-Contact.html