About Organization : If you would like to study in the university in the heart of the city that focus on chaning the world for better to morrow, you’re choosin the right place. We do not use special formulas to select students. We look at every single applicant’s application, academic and personal, to select students who suit to our community with a full range of backgrounds. If you would like to study If you would like to study in the university in the heart of the city that focus on chaning the world for better to morrow, you’re choosin the right place. We do not use special formulas to select students. We look at every single applicantt’s application, academic and personal, to select students who suit to our community.
Category : School
Address : Beside Building No 28, Ashoka Ratan Vidhan Sabha Rd, Raipur Raipur Raipur ( Chhattisgarh ) 492009
Mobile Number : 9981532470
Other Number :
Email ID : [email protected]
Web-site : http://pearlspublicschool.in/