About Organization :

AAGASHE Central I.T.I, Lakhe Nagar Slope, Aswini Nagar,Raipur was established in 1993. It is an ISO 9001:2000 and 29990:2010 Certified Institute and governed by Directorate of Employment and Training. The institute follows norms constituted by National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) under the guidance of Ministry of Skill Development and Enterpreneurship Government of India(MSDE). At present, there are many schemes like NCVT Apparel and Goal are conducted by this institute.

AAGASHE Western I.T.I., Vill. Kandarka, Dist. Bemetara was established in 2014. It is an ISO 29990:2010 Certified Institute and governed by Directorate of Employment and Training.The institute follows norms constituted by National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) under the guidance Ministry of Skill Development and Enterpreneurship Government of India(MSDE). At present, there are many schemes like NCVT Apparel and Goal are conducted by this institute.

AT College of Electronics Private ITI., Mahadev Ghat Road, Opp. Govt. School, Raipura, Raipur was established in 1993. It is an ISO 29990:2010 Certified Institute and governed by Directorate of Employment and Training.The institute follows norms constituted by National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) under the guidance Ministry of Skill Development and Enterpreneurship Government of India(MSDE). At present, there are many schemes like NCVT Apparel and Goal are conducted by this institute.

Category : Institution

Address : Mahadevghat Road, Aswini Nagar Raipur Raipur ( Chhattisgarh ) 492013

Mobile Number : 9229221982

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Email ID : [email protected]

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